Write for Us - Electrical and Engineering Blogs
Write interesting, knowledgeable and high quality guest blogs for us on various electrical and related topics. We will be very pleased to post an article written by an expert like you which will not only benefit us or our customers, but will make the internet better. If you would like to contribute, please mail to us at editor.ampkart@gmail.com.
Ampkart started selling and blogging on Electrical and Electronics Products to serve the electrical community by sharing field-specific information, technical know-hows, latest products, and technical add-ons with the help of experts. We are happy that hundreds of readers visit us to shop and learn about the latest happening in electrical industry. Write for us, Ampkart and improve the content for our readers as well as establishing yourself as a field expert in this matter.
What should you write?
Who can write for us?
Why should you write for us?
Write for Us Guidelines:
A writer should take care of the following guidelines before submitting their article:
- The guest post article should be 500 words or more
- The article should approach from different perspective on the same topic to maintain consistency.
- You should provide references to your article, but limit references to 1-2 per article.
- Include 2-5 internal Ampkart links to relevant pages or posts.
- An article should have a plagiarism less than 15%, you can use Duplichecker to check plagiarism of your article
- You may be asked to revise a few points to maintain the quality of the guest article.
- Do a keyword research using Ahref or Moz to get the most valuable keywords.
- Include the target keyword in the title (preferably first word).
- Always use correct heading to give proper structure to an article.
- H1 – Title of the article
- H2 – The main sections of the article.
- H3 – Sub sections of an H2
- H4 – Less used sub sections of an H3
- Use short paragraphs/lots of whitespace/bullet points when possible
- Break your paras into bite sized information with images in between to explain the concept further visually.
- You should provide the necessary images and graphics, and any media submitted will become the property of Ampkart.
- Use royalty free images or submissions for your articles
- Use high quality images so that it doesn’t stretch when seen on a large screen.
- Mail us your guest blog only at editor.ampkart@gmail.com
- The editor looks after a number of guest contributors, so kindly be patient and wait for our response.
- It helps to have a good understanding of SEO, but always prioritize good writing over SEO tactics.